Xing Fu Tang of Taiwan is the innovator and world leader in the intensely competitive hand-shaken tea market and makes great tasting bubble milk beverage desserts.
Xing Fu Tang Canada has stores in Greater Vancouver, Victoria, Greater Toronto, and Calgary creates a unique blend of dairy-free and gluten-free bubble 'mylk' embracing Canada and supporting Canadian prairies buckwheat farmers by using BUCK Buckwheat Mylk (dairy-milk alternative) to create an awesome tasting bubble mylk fusion.
This limited time drink creation is smooth with the unique and subtle taste of buckwheat made into a perfect Xing Fu Tang Canada signature bubble milk beverage that is gluten-free, dairy free, with all natural ingredients using 100% Canadian BUCK mylk.
Xing Fu Tang Canada and Saint Michael Foods invites you to taste the Xing Fu Tang signature dairy-free and gluten-free bubble BUCK blends through this "exclusive" limited time invitation for our brand ambassadors.
BUCK the trend with us and spread the BUCK Goodness . Let us know if we can coordinate the details for your participation into the program.
Specialty BUCK blended bobba milks offered as part of this exclusive collaboration: